
The conference is about data analitics and AI and is organized by Data Technology

Jun 6, 2023 6:00 PM — Jun 2, 2022 8:30 PM
Donau-City-Strasse 9 - 1220 Vienna
Donau-City-Strasse 9, Vienna, Vienna 1220

Direct link to join the event: https://www.predictive-analytics.at/main.asp?kat1=2116&kat2=2771

About the Conference: The Data Science, Analytics & Artificial Intelligence Conference is aimed at experts, users, interested parties and decision-makers. People from all areas who use analytical methods, deal with data-intensive issues and strategic questions around the topics of data management and data culture. This year the conference will again take place in a hybrid format. This means you have the option of attending the conference on-site at Tech Gate Vienna or participating online.

Program: The fixed presentations for the 19th Predictive Analytics Conference are now available online and at https://www.predictive-analytics.at/programm. The programme is continuously expanded and updated. If you want to be up to date, please register for the newsletter.

During the breaks and at the evening event, there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with leading data analysts from business and academic research. Colleagues, experts and visionary users will be available for an open dialogue in a stimulating atmosphere.

Please note that the conference is in German!

Members of the Vienna Data Science Group, Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft (ÖSG) and students are eligible for a discount.

Please be aware that membership entails paying the VDSG’s annual fee and possessing a valid VDSG email address! If you do not have it and you want to be a member, please send an email to contact@vdsg.at

community building

We are an association promoting knowledge about data science as a nonprofit. We connect data scientists in Europe and all around the world. Our members are passionate data scientists from various areas of research and industry.