Managing the Machine Learning Lifecycle – Best Practices for MLOps with MLFlow

Best Practices for MLFlow

May 18, 2020 6:00 PM — 9:00 PM


Please join us on the next series of the X-Europe joint meetup webinars!

Also, if you want to speak or join the Slack workspace created for attendees, please join, and at the end of the webinar, fill in your email so we can get in touch!

Details This is a joint online event of Vienna Data Science Group, Frankfurt Data Science, Budapest Data Science Meetup, BCN Analytics, Budapest.AI, Barcelona Data Science and Machine Learning Meetup and Budapest Deep Learning Reading Seminar

SPEAKER Zoltan C.Toth, CTO at Datapao. His team is consulting and training companies on how to build analytics infrastructure. He is also a Databricks Partner, the company behind the Apache Spark, and MLflow. Earlier he worked with RapidMiner on Spark and managed a petabyte-scale data infrastructure at Prezi.

TOPIC This talk is an introduction to MLflow, an open-source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning(ML) lifecycle. In this webinar, you will see a hands-on presentation on how to track and serve ML lifecycle with the help of MLflow. Plus, attendees will get all notebooks and datasets that will be used during the webinar.

YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT: – MLflow technology – working with experiments – tracking and analyzing ML model metrics – using MLflow central model store to manage a model’s lifecycle


community building

We are an association promoting knowledge about data science as a nonprofit. We connect data scientists in Europe and all around the world. Our members are passionate data scientists from various areas of research and industry.